You may be able to reduce any issues strengthening planets that need help, or pacifying planets that are troublesome. Remedies can be done in ways that you are comfortable with and fir your lifestyle such as :
- Lifestyle Changes. Guidance on energies at play and how to work with them.

- Stones to wear. Stones modify our aura because they vibrate at a certain frequency. It is important that no stone is worn without consulting an astrologer. I will recommend but not supply them.

- Mantras to chant. This is a VERY effective method, it takes is a little time every day. The vibrations of mantras can strengthen planetary energies and propriate the deities. I am mindful not all cultures are comfortable chanting mantras so this is a personal choice and just let me know your preference.

- Yajnas / Jaap that can be performed for you. This is a very powerful method of seeking divine assistance. A team of experienced priests perform a puja (worship) and jaap (chants) for the appropriate planet. You do not need to be present for the ritual but are able to zoom, if not then clips/photo’s will be sent to you.

- Donations. You can work on planetary energies by donating your time, effort or money to a worthy but appropriate cause. I will provide guidance on which planets and types of charities that can help.